Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007

Terima kasih Tuhan

Terima kasih Tuhan, Allah Bapa di Surga

saya benar2 merasa diberkati dan dibimbing dalam hidup ini :)

sedikit share, dari bulan november hingga hari ini, benar2 ketat sekali hidup saya

7 nov mengumpulkan tugas akhir

19 nov presentasi tugas akhir dan lulus :)

3 des kumpulkan revisi

8 des wawancara dan diterima

10 des nanti sudah mulai kerja

tanpa berkat dan tuntunan dari God, sama sekali tidak mungkin menjalaninya,

tentunya masih ada orang-orang yang men-support saya


Ir. Gunawan, M. Kom. yang membimbing tugas akhir, menjadi pembela waktu presentasi tugas akhir

pak endi, yang rela kasih tanda tangan tanpa banyak tanya :)

mbak ulfa dkk, pegawai di toko yang mebantu proses fotocopy

bro yg rela gw tinggal jaga toko

family yg udah kasih support

Mr Yotje yg kasih pekerjaan

thanks !!!!

benar2 saya merasa dibantu

sekali lagi,

ucapan syukur kepada Allah Bapa di Surga,
Tuhan Yesus, Roh Kudus, Bunda Maria


Rabu, 05 Desember 2007

Lulus !!!!!!!!!


baru saja saya lulus secara resmi,

tadi pagi ngambil surat keterangan lulus dan transkrip nilai

bahagia ? sedih ? entahlah
yang pasti, saya menambah nilai angka pengangguran di surabaya :P

tiga tahun mengejar gelar, demi secarik kertas dan daftar nilai
begitulah kalau ingin hidup standard

berikutnya, saya akan mencari kerja...............
berbekal gelar sarjana komputer.................

by the way,

Thank God, sudah membuat saya menikmati masa2 kuliah saya,
benar2 menarik, banyak yang saya pelajari


Sabtu, 01 Desember 2007

Newbie photographer mistakes

The biggest mistake of photographer, especially the new one

is that they only consentrate with their"CAMERA" and "LIGHT"

and often to be blind with a myth

"It doesn't matter how ugly the object is, but depending with the way you taking pics"

well, thats all the bullshit that old photographer always talk about

photographer in fact or to be more practical, is who arrange the
colour, light, angle, and object

what ! object ? yes !
if the object is ugly, then you have to change it, if you are unable to change it, then you have edit it
here's the secret
object which beautiful is more beautiful
object which ugly is more ugly
thats why we call it impact !
also its about what to put in your scene

while colour is more about colour harmony, you are colour maestro !
your eyes should feels good when looking at the pics !

light is about something that you will like to hide or show

and angle, the way of photographer see things
if its right it will contains your feeling
if it fails it wont

so its not about camera, lens, or lamp

its like drawing than taking a pics